Lottery Admissions Explained

TDSB offers a variety of specialized programs, known as “centralized programs” focusing on specific pathways such as leadership, arts and STEM at both the elementary and the secondary level. These include Arts, CyberARTS, Elite Athletes, Exceptional Athletes, Integrated Technology, International Baccalaureate (IB), Leadership Pathway and Math, Science and Technology.

Prior to May 2022, admissions were based on a variety of factors, including auditions and student grades. Following the motion passed by the TDSB, the new process has been outlined below:

  1. If there are more students interested than spaces available, students will be added into a random selection process (lottery)

    1. As part of the lottery, the TDSB has set out 3 admission priorities:

      1. 20% of spaces are for students that self-identify as First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Black, Latin American or Middle Eastern

      2. 50% of spaces are for students that self-identify as female for math, science and technology programs

      3. students that reside in the city of Toronto are prioritized

  2. A first round of offers is sent out and some students are waitlisted (centrally)

  3. About a week later, a second round of offers is sent out and the central waitlist is maintained until mid-February for secondary schools and mid-March for elementary schools

  4. Once the central waitlist expires, a local waitlist is created that prioritizes students that live in the local area and students who are pre-registered to attend the school

Learn more about Application and Admissions through the official TDSB website.